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c language introduction and features

C language  introduction and features: Earth is the planet of different collaborating  things like  soil,  water,  plants, and living things as well as these things make the earth comfortable and easy for living computer have some  elements that influence on its that human can easily understand and use it.As humans have different languages to communicate with each other as that computer have different languages that help it to do different works.there have been different type of languages like... 1 ALGOL 2 BCPL 3 B 4 TRADITIONAL C 5 ANSI C 6 ANSI/  ISO C 7 C99 There have been different type of programming languages that are generate on computer.  From these languages we will discuss today the c language  that is really an amazing and easy language  to understand both the computer and the users as well.  INTRODUCTION OF C LANGUAGE: C is the most famous and familiar language  for computer. It was first developed at the bell laboratories of USA in 1972 by DENNIS RITCHIE. It is

computer information

 THE INFORMATION OF COMPUTER AND ITS GENER Computer  is an most essential part of every employee life. But as we think it is machine or a box of more information.  But other words it is a place that helps us to generate  our thoughts and made theme real.when we saw a computer we did not know about it   as much either we are curious to know what is it and want to work on it. Let's we  consider it as a machine that has lot of information. It was the thing that helped firstly in calculation and anything that related to scientific or  secret information.  Let's we discuss it as a machine that  have logical based information .we every where  a computer in now days for instance,in schoold, offices, cafeterias,  libraries, or even hospitals they helps us alot. There have been different types of computer and different  purposes as well.I hope it helps to understand.  INTRODUCTION OF COMPUTER: Computer is an device that used to record something  informative, or for graphical uses. There