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computer information


Computer  is an most essential part of every employee life. But as we think it is machine or a box of more information.  But other words it is a place that helps us to generate  our thoughts and made theme real.when we saw a computer we did not know about it   as much either we are curious to know what is it and want to work on it. Let's we  consider it as a machine that has lot of information. It was the thing that helped firstly in calculation and anything that related to scientific or  secret information. 

Let's we discuss it as a machine that  have logical based information .we every where  a computer in now days for instance,in schoold, offices, cafeterias,  libraries, or even hospitals they helps us alot. There have been different types of computer and different  purposes as well.I hope it helps to understand. 


Computer is an device that used to record something  informative, or for graphical uses. There have been different  works done by humans on computer. It was not easy to handle it but with the time pass it becomes familiar  with some changes. 


Charles babbage  was the one who  I invented the computer.  He was a Brilliant  inventor. With his efforts we use it today.

Generation's of computer :
There have been different types of generation of computer.  With the running cloak  the technology is changed so computer is also changed. There have been mainly  five generations of computers. Let's discuss theme...

The first generation of computer was started in 1942  with the collaboration of UNIVAC and ends with these computer  the vaccume tubes were used. They are very large in size and with the big size they aren't portable. They only  understand  machine language. They are the  starting of computer revolution. 

first generation of  computer  1942 to 1955
The second generation of computer  is a bit change from first generation. The time period of this generation is from 1955 to 1964. It was the huge change in the field of technology. It consists transistors instead of vacuum tubes and its size was also small then the size of first generation.   They  generate low heat and high level language used in these computers.
the second generation of computer from 1955 to 1964

 These computer are  more different then the first two generations of computers. In these computer  integrated circuits were used reither than vacuum tubes or transistors.its size is also very small and they are speedy and portable.  These computer also used high level language. There are different functions formatd in those devices.

the generation of computer from 1964 to 1975.

these computer are used (VLSI) very large scale integrated circuits.  There are high and used more than 50000 components on single  chip.this kind of computer are low in cost and very reliable.  There size is very small so that they can portable.this generation is very fast.

forth  generation of computer from 1975 onwards 

 This generation time is not guessed when they are come Might be 1989.these kind of computer are used artificial intelligence and parallel processes systems  that make it great and advance. There  is very best functionality   in  theme.To innovate these computer  it is main  plan to make them like an human. There example is today's  robots.they also uses ( ULSI) which means ultra large scale integration. They are user friendly and speedy. 
 fifth generation of computer  at present

TO SUM UP, we can say that there have great varieties  of computers and they are very helpful as well. Computer is the best innovation of  Charles babbage  that is like a god gift to us for  make our work easier. There different  generation and there differences make them more attractive and meaningful. 



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