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education benefits and disbenefits

Education benefits and disbenefits:

 There are a lot of ways  on the earth to live a life but there is one thing which makes our life easy and liveable that is education.most of the people from the whole around cities, countries etc make their living on study. These things change the mind of a human in different the past life many people are not adopting education because they are  poor or think about the work then the study they go on  field to do labour but did not go to school for education.

Education is the   primary source of all individual lives and these things make one person  cooperatively  in the society  so that he can live and understand society and its culture  nicely.

#Benefits of Education  in the life of humans:

As we know that the world is changing and this change occurs  from education also. Let us discuss some of the most important benefits of education in the life of every individual. 

1.Grow mentality:

Education is the source that helps us to grow  our mind and make us wise through the  time period of studying. We become curious to know the depth of anything in which  we are interested. Our thinking  became high and  we love to be genuine or real.

We did not think about the  so-called false  assumption of the world. We only care about our family and our dreams.


2.There  comes something that we  want to achieve.

Life is not permanent but with the help of education we can make our dreams permanent. When we start studying and think about our future, may everyone think about it and want to gain it and these things come through in our mind when we gain knowledge  from something and we are interested in it and that interest  came in our path because of education and  that makes it true as well.

3.Make a Knowledgeable and wise person:

When we study or want to know  something, it increases our knowledge on a particular topic  that we want to learn.  It helps us to gain the superior and most genres of those topics and  we  are now knowledgeable  and wise because we understand the world easily and handle it. 

4.We did not lost anything:

As we know in the old times when no much education was adopted by people's so they're not fully aware about the official and societal issues in brief. Some poor farmers and labourers are badly abused by the governmental mens because they did not know much about their foreign language and their culture which make them different even though they tries to gain the poor people properties without knowing them because they don't know the education and its power. 

5.Make women independent:

Basically as we saw in the society the women are now free from all the stress of money and their own needs fulfilment because  they are now educated they belongs from the education  world. At first the women only do the household and growing babies but now they are more sufficient and courageous to do more work and live a happy gives them wings to fly in the air .

So,there have been a lot of others  of education but they are specific as I mentioned. Now let's discuss the  benefits of education. 

#The disbenefits of education:

Every single thing has benefits and that also has some disadvantages  mainly  and these things  make the world most curious about the thing that we have and want to do.

Let's discuss the basic disbenefits of  education 

1.The education is very expensive:

Education is the treasure of knowledge and for that we  have to pay a big amount and this amount is not affordable for the people who live their life on a single meal of the day  so their children get a lack of education because they can't pay for it.  schools and colleges have too high a fee structure that the low wage student cannot  afford and at last they drop out. 

2.Education is  the lord of brain:

When a student study alot and did not have a time to be rest and chilling up with friends so the brain of the students got  stubborn  and these things worried a lot the parents also. The student's felt stress and  with these  circumstances  they became the peasant of  depression,  anxiety and mind related problems. Especially in exam times, study became hard and students felt fearful and  didn't  try to set free from it till  the last day of exam. 

3.Training are not good at sometimes:

Education is not a thing that we only learn  lonely   this is the process of  long term and good teachers are requires for this also.but sometimes when a true devoted student of his/ her dream  gain his knowledge of dream from an institut  but the institution teacher may haven't good at time so the loss of education and a loss of Hope also comes in the life of a student. Mainly we saw poor students who have not any income to go on high good profile institutions to  creat his ways of dreams through  the education of it but they lost it.


So there have been some benifits and dibenifits of the education that make our ways  different and good.

 Education is the key of success so we should try to make it truly and without any regret of not focusing on it then you can be a real fighter. 


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