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child and parents

  Child and parents:

 Baby  just  not a word it is the happiness that we achieved when  we have a baby or if not so the seen of babies  is also the happiest. Parents have their life and when the baby come  in their life  their life is belonged to baby.

Babies are something that cannot we explain in simple words. They are the precious  gift of god given to us. Lets we  imagine the life of baby in some ways that make it more curious and more cutest.

The coming of baby: when a parent know that they would be a parent soon so their thinking are changed they think that how can they be handled  the baby  and how they raise them. It was the most difficult time to be a decision making last they decide they want a baby and the house is full of gloomy and charm. They took a great care for the baby and how it will be grow.

The mother  dreams and fears:Mothers are very hopefull and they are at the time of pregnancy  fell about the great desired life for their baby. They think about the delivery time and how they will handle the baby it was the most precious time for mother and baby.  Mothers are the one who can feel all the  changes came through the pregnancy they feed their baby and wish about the good health  and satisfaction for baby.their bond is unexplainable. 

Fathers  curiosity: As the mother is happy with her baby bumb so they can feel their baby but father are more unexplainable about their feeling may they not know about the pain and suffering of a women about a birth of baby but they are curious and want to be with their life partner  and share their all  happiest and saddest moments with baby.
It was really a need of lady to be supported and cared from their partners beacuse they give their life to give the birth  a baby. It is shameful thing for a fathers who did not care about their wives in pregnancy. They should be .

Child development:Basically when the baby came in real world he faces alot and for that his/ her parents are with to support  them. Child development is the most important part of every individual life like how they grow and face the world is the broad  thing which they brought from their parents. How they tacll the world miseries and took a lessons  from them is the first principle for upbringing a child.
 Health caresses of babies:there have been a different ways to take care of babies health. Babies are like a seed which  is grown as good care like doing watering or all gardening to take a good care of babies we should   avoid the things which are harmful for a baby like  doing irritable dirty and unwanted stuff in the room in which the baby is lied and second is the skin care routines  and fullfill them  with great prescription. 

Soft love:The love that is represented  by the parents  are the to most important  thing in life of a child. These things are  most  precious for a child these love carenesss make a  child loveable and generous.  Love gave all the humans  comfort as well the child also needs a love that helps them to grow and live happily.

To summing up, So there have been different types of journey  in a child's life they are the backbone of their parents that make them encourage and support them  in their tuff times. As a child we should also care about the parents also.


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